Diesmal wollen wir den Text „A manifest on the ‚Refugees Welcome’“ (hier als Broschüre zum Ausdrucken) zur Diskussion stellen.
This time we want to discuss the text „A manifest on the ‚Refugees Welcome’“ (here as a booklet to print)
„This party and other European “left†and right wing parties using the humanitarian popular speech as “Refugees Welcome†for their own Political interests.“
„The conclusion of the whole speeches at the action was about “How good / strong are the white people†and call “for European proud and unityâ€. But what they don’t know that the “Refugees and Immigrants†has already their own plans: free movement and well being as well as to abolish the “zone of being Refugees and Immigrants†are not a subject seeks help and pity in Europe, they are clearly expressing and showing with in their movement towards European countries from the south to the North the reaction of the coloninized, the movement of the Oppressed to the Colonial land.“
„The tradition of the oppressed teaches us that the “State of Emergency†in which we live is not the exception but the rule. We must attain to a conception of history that is in keeping with this insight. Then we shall clearly realize that it is our task to bring about a real state of emergency; and this will improve our position in the struggle against Fascism.“
Wir stellen jeden zweiten Freitag im Monat einen Text zur Diskussion.
Diese Diskussionen stellen einen Versuch dar, eine anarchistische
Debatte in Gang zu setzen. Wir wollen weder Expert_innen, noch
Konsument_innen. Kommt bitte vorbereitet, lest den Text und macht euch
dazu Gedanken (evtl. Notizen). Wir wollen unsere Ideen und Vorstellungen
teilen und diskutieren um unsere Kritik zu schärfen.
Every second Friday month we discuss a text. The discussions are an attempt to start an anrchist debate. We neither want experts nor consumers. Please come prepared, read the text and think about it (evtl. notes). We want to share and discuss our ideas and prospects to sharpen our critique.